Waleria Gawroński Family History & Historical Records (2025)



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Waleria Gawrońska (born Dudek), 1897 - 1976

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Waleria Gawrońska (born Dudek) was born on month day 1897.


Waleria had 8 siblings: Stanisław Dudek, Karolina Dziurowicz (born Dudek) and 6 other siblings.


Waleria married Wincenty Gawroński.

Wincenty was born on month day 1903.

They had 2 children: Sabina Aniela Bendor (born Gawroński) and one other child.

Waleria then married Roman Burda.

Roman was born in 1888.

They had one son: Dominik Burda.


Waleria passed away on month day 1976, at age 78 in death place.

She was buried in burial place.

+ 4

Documents of Waleria Gawrońska (born Dudek)

Waleria Gawrońska in Poland, Gravestones, 1800-2020

Waleria Gawrońska was born circa 1897.

Waleria passed away circa 1976, at age 79 in Cmentarz Parafii Katedralnej Wniebowzięcia Nmp W Sosnowcu, Sosnowiec Wniebowzięcia Nmp, Śląskie / Silesian Voivodeship, Poland.

She was buried in Cmentarz Parafii Katedralnej Wniebowzięcia Nmp W Sosnowcu, Sosnowiec Wniebowzięcia Nmp, Śląskie / Silesian Voivodeship, Poland.

Waleria Gawroński (born Rabinek), 1928 - 2010

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Waleria Gawroński (born Rabinek) was born on month day 1928, in birth place.


Waleria had 9 siblings: Jan Rabinek, Antonina Kominiarek (born Rabinek) and 7 other siblings.


Waleria married Zygmunt Gawroński.

Zygmunt was born on month day 1930, in birth place.

They had 2 children: Jarosław Gawroński and one other child.


Waleria passed away on month day 2010, at age 81 in death place.

She was buried in burial place.

Waleria Gawrońska (born Łuczak), 1920 - 2000

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Waleria Gawrońska (born Łuczak) was born on month day 1920.


Waleria married Stefan Gawroński.

Stefan was born on month day 1913.

They had 4 children: Grażyna Kwaśna (born Gawrońska) and 3 other children.


Waleria passed away on month day 2000, at age 79 in death place.

She was buried in burial place.

Documents of Waleria Gawrońska (born Łuczak)

Waleria Gawrońska in BillionGraves

Waleria Gawrońska was born in 1920.

Waleria passed away in 2000, at age 80.

She was buried in Poznań, Cmentarz Parafialny Na Smochowicach, 60-454 Poznań, Wielkopolskie, Poland.

Waleria Czajkowska (born Gawrońska), 1912 - 1994

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Waleria Czajkowska (born Gawrońska) was born on month day 1912, in birth place.


Waleria married Józef Czajkowski.

Józef was born on month day 1909.

They had 4 children: Magdalena Pudlak (born Czajkowska) and 3 other children.


Waleria passed away on month day 1994, at age 82 in death place.

Waleria Ewa Gawrońska (born Tryszkiewicz), born 1870

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Waleria Ewa Gawrońska (born Tryszkiewicz) was born in 1870.


Waleria married Kazimierz Gawroński in 1894, at age 24.

Kazimierz was born in 1869, in birth place.

They had 8 children: Janina Błazińska (born Gawrońska), Alfreda Sibińska (born Gawrońska) and 6 other children.


Waleria passed away.

Waleria Prządo (born Gawrońska), 1904 - Circa 1980

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Waleria Prządo (born Gawrońska) was born on month day 1904, in birth place.


Waleria was baptized on month day 1904.


Waleria married Andrzej Prządo on month day 1925, at age 20.

Andrzej was born in 1899, in birth place.

They had 3 sons: Henryk Prządo and 2 other children.

Waleria then married Jakub Trojan on month day 1951, at age 46 in marriage place.

Jakub was born on month day 1899, in birth place.

They had one son: Lucjan Prządo.


Waleria passed away circa 1980, at age 75 in death place.

She was buried in burial place.

Waleria Gawrońska zd.Maj, 1874 - 1919

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Waleria Gawrońska zd.Maj was born in 1874?, in birth place.


Waleria married Antoni Gawroński on month day 1899, at age 25 in marriage place.

Antoni was born in 1854?, in birth place.


Waleria passed away on month day 1919, at age 45 in death place.

Waleria GAWROŃSKA (born JÓŹWIAK), 1910 - 1939

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Waleria GAWROŃSKA (born JÓŹWIAK) was born on month day 1910.


Waleria had 17 siblings: Anna Wyborska (born Jóźwiak), Irena Ludmiła MIERZWICKA (born JÓŹWIAK) and 15 other siblings.


Waleria married Jan GAWROŃSKI.

They had one child.


Waleria passed away in 1939, at age 28.

Waleria Gawroński, born 1893

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Waleria Gawroński was born in 1893, in birth place.


Waleria had 5 siblings: Wiktoria Gawroński, Aleksander Gawroński and 3 other siblings.


Waleria passed away.

Waleria Gawrońska (born Grodzka), born 1856

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Waleria Gawrońska (born Grodzka) was born on month day 1856, in birth place.


Waleria had 9 siblings: Ludwik Jan Grodzki, Jan Paweł Grodzki and 7 other siblings.


Waleria married Michał Gawroński on month day 1879, at age 22 in marriage place.

Michał was born on month day 1857, in birth place.

They had 7 daughters: Teresa Lubczyńska (born Gawrońska), Katarzyna Gawrońska and 5 other children.


Waleria passed away.

She was buried in burial place.

Waleria Gawrońska (born Lewandowicz), born 1867

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Waleria Gawrońska (born Lewandowicz) was born in 1867.


Waleria had 2 brothers: Edward Lewandowicz and one other sibling.


Waleria married Unknown Gawroński in Before 1913, at age 46.

Waleria then married Ludwik Tylewski in 1913, at age 46 in marriage place.

Ludwik was born on month day 1865, in birth place.


Waleria passed away.


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Waleria GAWROŃSKA (born JÓŹWIAK) had 15 siblings: Irena Ludmiła MIERZWICKA (born JÓŹWIAK), Stanisława BALCERAK pv CZYŻEWSKA (born JÓŹWIAK) and 13 other siblings.


Waleria married xxx GAWROŃSKI.

They had one child.


Waleria passed away.

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Waleria Gawroński (born Gawrońska d.Witkowska), born 1889

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Waleria Gawroński (born Gawrońska d.Witkowska) was born on month day 1889, in birth place.


Waleria had 4 siblings: Stanisław Witkowski and 3 other siblings.


Waleria married Szczepan Gawroński on month day 1913, at age 23 in marriage place.

Szczepan was born in 1886, in birth place.

They had one son: Szczepan Gawroński.

Waleria Gawroński (born Grodzka)

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Waleria Gawroński (born Grodzka) married Michał Gawroński.

They had one daughter: Marianna Siwiec (born Gawrońska).

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Waleria | First name meaning

The name Waleria has its roots in the Latin name Valeria, which is derived from the word "valere," meaning "to be strong" or "to be healthy." This name first appeared in ancient Rome and was associated with strength and valor, often linked to individuals who exhibited resilience or held positions of authority. Waleria is predominantly found in Slavic countries, particularly Poland and Ukraine, where it has been embraced and adapted into local cultures. Variations of the name include Valeria in Italian and Spanish, Valerie in French, and Walery in Polish, each reflecting slight differences in pronunciation and spelling while retaining the core meaning of strength. The name has historical significance, as it was borne by several early Christian saints, further enhancing its association with virtue and moral fortitude. Overall, Waleria embodies a rich heritage of strength and resilience, making it a name with both historical depth and cultural significance.

Possible relatives of Waleria Gawroński

Michał MajJan GrodzkiMarianna GrodzkaWincenty GawrońskiIrena JóźwiakFranciszka JanikPaweł GrodzkiPelagia JóźwiakJanina GawrońskaAntoni GawrońskiBolesław JóźwiakAnna WyborskaStanisław GawrońskiPelagia KłosStanisław JóźwiakMarianna GawrońskaLudwik GrodzkiKazimierz Gawroński

Explore more people

Teofil GawrońskiTeofila GawrońskiTeresa GawrońskiTomasz GawrońskiUrszula GawrońskiWacław GawrońskiWacława GawrońskiWaldemar GawrońskiWalenty GawrońskiWalentyna GawrońskiWanda GawrońskiWawrzyn GawrońskiWawrzyniec GawrońskiWeronika GawrońskiWiesław GawrońskiWiktor GawrońskiWiktoria GawrońskiWincenty GawrońskiWitold GawrońskiWojciech Gawroński

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  • Waleria Gawroński Family History & Historical Records (29)67 Family tree profiles

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Waleria Gawroński Family History & Historical Records (2025)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.